Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering
The Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering Department has experienced remarkable growth in student population over the past 10 years. Department graduates are among the highest paid and most sought after Techies. Students get hands-on experience through the academic program, as well as a variety of summer internships. The Petroleum Department has a strong collaboration with Petroleum Recovery Research Center (PRRC) in research and education.
Donate to the Petroleum Engineering Program
Petroleum Engineering News

The AADE Permian Basin Chapter has donated $50,444.79 to the NMT's Petroleum Department to fund the remodel of MSEC 367. The classroom will be upgraded to be a multi-functional smart learning environment and the adjoining meeting/conference room will get a complete overhaul.
Petroleum and Natural Gas Faculty

Thomas Engler, PhD, PE
Associate Professor
Her-Yuan Chen, PhD
Tan C. Nguyen, PhD
Assistant Professor
William Ampomah, PhD
Sajjad Esmaeilpour, PhDStaff
Alejandra Correa | Administrative Secretary I | 575-835-5412 | Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering | MSEC 300A | alejandra.correa@propertyhunter-realty.com |